SportZmix Soilblending Solutions

Our Roots Run Deep

Soilblending Golf Rootzone Mixes

Golf Green Rootzone Soil Blending...And So Much More...

  • Think about every mineral in your golf course plan. 
  • From USGA® greensmix...
  • To bunker sand,
  • To soil for landscape plantings,
  • SportZmix Solutions can produce them all to the specification you need to follow. 

Experience You Can Trust...

  • The SportZmix Solutions team has worked extensively in North America and internationally,
    helping build hundreds of the world's best golf courses.
  • Our experienced operators and support staff qualify the best available raw materials close to your jobsite. 
  • We then turn them into the materials you need to construct great golf course features.

Quality Work at a Competitive Price...

  • SportZmix Solutions will meet your project's material specifications and keep you informed every step of the way. 
  • We utilize both onsite quality control testing and independent laboratory testing to ensure the consistency of your material.

    Contact SportZmix Solutions today to learn more!


Representative Projects

The SportZmix Solutions team has a long history of manufacturing construction and maintenance materials for golf courses.  Based on the architect's preference, we blend 90/10, 88/12, 85/15, 80/20, and custom-ratio Greensmix for golf green construction. 

In addition to sand-peat rootzone mixes, we have experience blending nearly any type of amendment you may need.  Our crews have incorporated compost, topsoil, porus ceramic, diotomaceous earth, and numerous other materials into rootzone blends.

Our mobile sand processing equipment produces USGA(R) specification bunker sand when the ideal sand sources are not available near the golf course construction site.  We also help find sources of bridging gravel, planting soil, and other raw materials you need to build a world-class golf course.